Davis Transmedia Art Walk
Davis Transmedia Art Walk
Davis Family First Mural, 1991
Ceramic Mural created in collaboration with the Children of Families First in 1991.
The Families First program utilizes the Risk, Need, and Responsivity Model for intervention with at-risk youth and families
Columbus Cafe Mural, 1978
“This mural of San Francisco’s Columbus Cafe in North Beach, painted by Terry Buckendorf.
This mural was restored in 1989, and again in January 2013, due to the mural’s extensive water damage. Although the mural’s image is of a San Francisco location, the placement of several prominent Davis residents, and the historical nature of the mural has made it an endearing and enduring addition to the downtown area.
Richard Whitten Mural, 2020
Mural created by a team of muralists (Bill Maul, Elena Peters & Tait Takai) under the direction of Davis Alumni, Richard Whitten.
Richard Whitten grew up in Manhattan, NY. Richard Whitten earned a B.A. in Economics from Yale University and an M.F.A. in Painting from the University of California at Davis where he studied with both Wayne Thiebaud and Robert Arneson.