The Art of Rejection (Softcover)


“An artist must be as creative outside the studio as he is inside the studio. The studio teaches the artist for “the outside” and “the outside” is information for future art. One feeds the other. Since 1981 when I graduated from UC Davis, I have made it a monthly practice to apply for teaching positions, artist-in residencies, visiting artist lecturers, workshops, scholarships, commissions, one person shows, introduction packets to collectors and virtually anything that would further my career. Consequently, I have accrued an amazing collection of rejection slips! I realized early on that if I was going to participate in this “gauntlet of judgement” I would need to change my reaction to the outcome of rejection. I would need to stop the process of self-pity, self-deprication, and ultimately, self-doubt. I needed to create a way that would encourage me to remain vigilant in my career and change cynicism into positivity. I needed to make it into art.

– Arthur González

96 pages

ISBN: 1-881572-76-5

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